Recent Projects
Structural Move Onsite
For this job, we dug a new foundation hole, waterproofed the foundation, and backfilled it. We knocked holes in the existing foundation, slid beams in place, and lifted the existing structure off its old foundation. We then rolled it over, turned it to line up with the new foundation, and lowered it down. We installed a new septic system, did a water tie-in, and trenched for new electrical lines. We also graded the site and spread topsoil.
ICF Foundation
Stripped the lot, dug for the new foundation, installed the ICF blocks, and helped pour the concrete. Waterproofed and backfilled. Dug for the garage, had walls set up with traditional panels, waterproofed, and backfilled.
Dug the guest house foundation, set up ICF blocks, poured the concrete, waterproofed, and backfilled. We did the trench work for electric, sewer, and water tie-ins. Roughly graded the site.
Thermal Study Proves ICF wall can achieve up to 60% Energy Savings!
Pole Foundation
We used an auger attachment to drill the holes, then we used a vibratory hammer to set the poles. On this job, we set steel I-beams to roll the house onto the new pole foundation.