Our Services

Since 2004, Barrett Enterprises has provided all aspects of construction services, including structural moving. We also have various in-stock landscaping and masonry products and supplies. If you don't see something that meets your needs, call us, we can be very accommodating.

Structural Moving

We Do Both Onsite, and Over-the-Road Moves

Our equipment is specific to the narrow roads of Nantucket. We have a remote-controlled power unit to not only aid in the lifting of the structure, but also the ease of maneuvering tight corners without the need for a truck. As well as building lifts for new foundations.

Structural Services

Structural moving is not only over-the-road moves but could be a move on site or a jack up and excavate for a new foundation, or to remove your crawl space and add a full foundation. We would knock holes in the existing foundation, slide in our network of beams, separate the structure from the foundation, and raise it up, building piles as we go. Once it has been lifted high enough for us to get our equipment under it, we start digging and removing the old foundation and the dirt. Then the new foundation is installed the structure is set back down and the beams are removed.

Your Construction Needs


We can dig your foundations, septic systems, utility trenches, and sono tube installations. We do foundation waterproofing, sewer & water connections, horizontal boring, backfilling, septic installs & repairs.

Site Work

From tree removal, brush cutting, stripping topsoil, grading, and driveway installs; we have the tools to take care of all your site work needs.

Concrete Pouring

We use our trucks to pour foundation walls, window wells, sono tubes, slabs, piers or pads. For those hard-to-reach areas, we have our pump truck to aid in pouring the concrete in its place. We can mix what is required right on-site.


Tear down and removal.

C & D Removal

Dumpsters for C&D removal, and for small deliveries.

Foundation Work

ICF Foundation

We offer NUDURA ICFs (Insulated Concrete Forms). These forms offer the homeowner time and cost savings. They add energy efficiency and are environmentally friendly. Thermal Study Proves ICF wall can achieve up to 60% Energy Savings!

Pole Foundations

We install pole foundations for house moves on beach or waterfront property that deal with erosion or flooding.


Waterproofing is a single-component, spray-applied membrane that is incredibly elastic. Highly durable, independent laboratory tests show a projected life expectancy of more than 100 years, even when constantly exposed to water.

Installations & Repairs

Septic Systems

Whether you need to install a new, repair an old, or add onto an existing septic system; we have the equipment to get the job done.


Trenches for utilities, sewer, or water tie-ins. We also provide trenchless underground boring. For those areas under the road, sidewalks, or driveways with our underground hammer called the mole. Tight areas are no problem with our trench box.

Utilities & Tank Installations

We provide utilities and tank installations.

Land Clearing

Tree & Brush

Clearing the way for your project. Whether you need space cleared for a yard, your new construction project, or space for access to your property. Taking down trees and removing brush is no problem.

Brush Cutting

We can clear the way for your yard or new construction project. Our equipment can handle the toughest of terrain. Once it's brush cut, we can also grub the area out, prep for topsoil, and the installation of your lawn.

Other Services


Material is picked up off the island and brought to your shop, or job, on Nantucket.

Snow Plowing & Sanding

We do residential and commercial driveways, parking lots, and small developments.

Material Delivery

If you can't pick it up, let us bring it to you.